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Artigos e Livros


Alves, R., Lucena-Frédou, F., Eduardo, L. N., Craveiro, N., Rosa Filho, J. S. 

Life history and population dynamics of the enigmatic tanaid Chondrochelia dubia (Tanaidacea: Leptocheliidae) in a tropical seaweed bed.

Scientia Marina

Aparecido, K. C., Frédou, T., Eduardo, L. N., Micarone, M. M., Lima, R. S., Morais, M. F. S., Mérigot, B.

Living in darkness: functional diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the western tropical Atlantic.

Frontiers in Marine Science.

Eduardo, L. N., Lucena-Frédou, F., Bertrand, S. L., Lira, A., Mincarone, M., Nunes, G. T., Frédou, T., Soares, A., Le Loc'h, F., Schwamborn, R., Travassos, P., Martins, K., Lira, S. A., Figueiredo, G., Vaske Jr., T., Ménard, F., Bertrand, A.

From the light blue sky to the dark deep sea: Trophic and resource partitioning between epipelagic and mesopelagic layers in a tropical oceanic ecosystem.

Science of the Total Enviroment

Ferreira, G. V. B., Justino, A. K. S., Eduardo, L. N., Schmidt, N., Martins, J. R.,  Ménard, F., Fauvelle, V., Mincarone, M. M., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Influencing factors for microplastic intake in abundant deep-sea lanternfishes (Myctophidae).

Science of the Total Environment.

Freitas, A. J., Passarone, R., Lira, A., Pelage, L., Frédou, F. L.,

Vulnerability assessment of species caught by the shrimp trawl fishery in northeastern Brazil.

Regional Studies in Marine Science.

Gonzalez, J. G., Frédou, T., Duarte-Neto, P., Labonne, M., Lira, A., Soares, A., Darnaude, A.

Importance of estuaries for the horse-eye jack (Caranx latus) in northeastern Brazil: a case study of underestimated connectivity at the land-sea interface.

Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Justino, A. K., Ferreira, G., Fauvelle, V., Schmidt, N., Lenoble, V., Pelage, L., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Exploring microplastic contamination in reef-associated fishes of the Tropical Atlantic.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Justino, A. K., Ferreira, G., Fauvelle, V., Schmidt, N., Lenoble, V., Pelage, L., Martins, K., Travassos, P., Lucena-Frédou, F.

From prey to predators: Evidence of microplastic trophic transfer in tuna and large pelagic species in the southwestern Tropical Atlantic.

Environmental Pollution.

Lane-Medeiros, L., Puppin-Gonçalvez, C. T., Angelini, R., Lira, A., Frédou, F. L., Freire, F.

Macroalgal blooms affect the food web of tropical coastal ecosystems impacted by fisheries.

Marine Environmental Research.

Pelage, L., Bertrand, A., Siqueira, S. C. W., Araújo, A. C., Avelino, K. V. A., Silva, C. L., Frédou, T.

Fishers' perceptions of global change to inform coastal planning data-poor social -ecological system..

Marine Policy.

Pereira, L. G., Ferreira, G. V., Justino, A. K., Oliveira, K., Queiroz, M., Schmidt, N., Fauvelle, V., Carvalho, V., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Exploring microplastic contamination in Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis): Insights into plastic pollution in the southwestern tropical Atlantic.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Reis-Júnior, J., Bertrand, A., Frédou, T., Vasconcelos, J., Aparecido, K. C., Duarte-Neto, J.

Community-scale relationships between body shape and trophic ecology in tropical demersal marine fish of northeast Brazil.

Journal of Fish Biology.

Santos, I., Lira, A., Montes, C. S., Point, D., Médieu, A., Nascimento, C. W. A., Frédou, F. L., Rocha, R. M.

Revealing the environmental pollution of two estuaries through histopathological biomarkers in five fishes from different trophic guilds of northeastern Brazil.

Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Santos, L., Santos, E. K., Frédou, F. L., Bezerra, N. A., Travassos, P., Hazin, F., Leite, N., Cardoso, L. G.

Assessment of the stock status of blackfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean: a length-based approach.

Regional Studies in Marine Science.

Santos, L., Vasconcelos, J., Eduardo, L. N., Lira, A.,
Craveiro, C., Silva, E.F. B., Frédou, F.

Stock assessment of Larimus breviceps, a bycatch species exploited by artisanal beach seining in Northeast Brazil.

Fisheries Management and Ecology.

Viana, A. P., Le'Loch, F., Frédou, T., Frédou, F. L., Ménard, F., Lagane, C., Munaron, J-M., Lira, A., Santos, I., Ferreira, V., Gonzalez, J. G., Point, D.

Mercury biomagnification and trophic structure patterns in neotropical coastal estuaries impacted by a Chlor-alkali plant in northeast Brazil.

Regional Studies in Marine Science.



Afonso, G. V. F., Di Dario, F., Eduardo, L. N., Lucena-Frédou, F., Bertrand, A., Mincarone, M. M.

Taxonomy and Distribution of Deep-Sea Bigscales and Whalefishes (Teleostei: Stephanoberycoidei) Collected off Northeastern Brazil, Including Seamounts and Oceanic Islands.

Ichthyology and Herpetology

Albuquerque, P. T. F., Frédou, T., Barcellos, R. L., Melo, J. T. B., Arruda, G. N., De França, E. J.

Anthropogenic influences on sedimentary geochemistry of Itapessoca estuarine complex, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Araújo, P. V. N., Moraes, A. B., Lucena-Frédou, F., Freire, F. A. M.

The influence of the coastal current on the estimation of relative abundance indices in small-scale shrimp fishery.

Boletim do Instituto de Pesca

Barros, M. J. G., Eduardo, L. N., Bertrand, A., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Ferreira, B. P.

Bottom trawling on a carbonate shelf: Do we get what we see?

Continental Shelf Research

Bastos, R. F., Lippi, D. L., Gaspar, A. L. B., Yogui, G. T., Frédou, T., Garcia, A. M., Padovani, B. F.

Ontogeny drives allochthonous trophic support of snappers: Seascape connectivity along the mangrove-seagrass-coral reef continuum of a tropical marine protected area.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Eduardo, L. N., Bertrand, A., Mincarone, M. M., Martins, J., Frédou, T., Assunção, R., Lima, R. S., Ménard, F., Le Loc´h, F., Frédou-Lucena, F.

Distribution, vertical migration, and trophic ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic.

Progress in Oceanography

Gonzalez, J. G., Darnaude, A. M., Duarte-Neto, P. J., Le Loc'h, F., Lima, M. C., Ménard, F., Ferreira, V., Lucena-Frédou, F., Munaron, J-M., Frédou, T.

Trophic ecology of the juveniles of two jack species (Caranx latus and C. hippos) in contrasted tropical estuaries.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Jimenez, E. A., Barboza, R. S. L., Garcia, J. S.; Correa, E. C. S.; Amaral, M. T.; Lucena-Frédou, T.

International trade of Amazon fish byproducts: Threats and opportunities for coastal livelihoods.

Ocean & Coastal Management

Jimenzes, E. A., Gonzales, J. G., Amaral, M. T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Sustainability indicators for the integrated assessment of coastal small-scale fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon.

Ecological Economics

Justino, A. K. S., Lenoble, V., Pelage, L., Ferreira, G. V. B., Passarone, R., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Microplastic contamination in tropical fishes: An assessment of different feeding habits.

Regional Studies in Marine Science

Lima, R. S., Neto, A., Lira, A. S., Bentes, B., Andrade, C., Lutz, I., Eduardo, L. N., Pereira, L., Nascimento, M., Fernandes, S., Frédou, T., Oliveira, V., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Fish Bycatch Caught by Shrimp Fisheries in Western Tropical Atlantic.

Companhia Editora de Pernambuco, CEPE

Lira, A. S, Lucena Frédou, F., Le Loc´h, F.

How the fishing effort control and environmental changes affect the sustainability of a tropical shrimp small scale fishery.

Fisheries Research

Lira, A. S., Lucena-Frédou, F., Ménard, F., Frédou, T., Gonzalez, J. G., Ferreira, V., Rosa Filho, J. S., Munaron, J-M., Le Loc'h, F.

Trophic structure of a nektobenthic community exploited by a multispecific bottom trawling fishery in Northeastern Brazil.


Lucena-Frédou, F., Eduardo, L. N., Lira, A. S., Pelage, L., Passarone, R., Frédou, T.

Atividade pesqueira artesanal no Nordeste do Brasil; Ciências do Mar: uma visão sobre o Nordeste do Brasil.

Via Design Publicações

Lucena-Frédou, F., Mourato, B., Frédou, T., Lino, P. G., Muñoz-Lechuga, R., Palma, C., Soares, A., Pons, M.

Review of the life history, fisheries, and stock assessment for small tunas in the Atlantic Ocean.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Martins, K., Pelage, L., Justino, A. K. S., Frédou-Lucena, F., Vaske Júnior, T., Le Loc'h, F., Travassos, P.

Assessing trophic interactions between pelagic predatory fish by gut content and stable isotope analysis around Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (Brazil), Equatorial West Atlantic.

Journal of Fish Biology

Mincarone, M. M., Afonso, G. V. F., Di Dario, F., Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F., Bertrand, A., Pietsch, T. W.

Deep-sea anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) from off northeastern Brazil, with remarks on the ceratioids reported from the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone.

Neotropical Ichthyology

Mincarone, M. M., Martins, J. R., Di Dario, F., Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F., Bertrand, A.

Deep sea smelts, pencil smelts, and barreleyes (Teleostei: Argentiniformes) from oceanic islands and seamounts off northeastern Brazil.

Marine Biology Research

Pelage, L., Bertrand, A., Ferreira, B. P., Lucena-Frédou, F., Justino, A. K. S., Frédou, T.

Balanced harvest as a potential management strategy for tropical samll-scale fisheries.

ICES Journal of Marine Science

Pelage, L., Gonzalez, J. G., Le Loc'h, F., Ferreira, V., Munaron, J-M., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T.

Importance of estuary morphology for ecological connectivity with their adjacent coast: A case study in Brazilian tropical studies.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Santos, L., Craveiro, C. F. F., Soares, A., Eduardo, L. N., Passarone, R., Silva, E. F. B., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Reproductive biology of the shorthead drum Larimus breviceps (Acanthuriformes: Sciaenidae) in northeastern Brazil.

Regional Studies in Marine Science

Santos, L.; Vasconcelos, J., Lira, A., Soares, A., Eduardo, L. N., Passarone, R., Le Loc'h, F., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Trophic Ecology and Ecomorphology of the Shorthead Drum, Larimus breviceps (Acanthuriformes: Sciaenidae), from the Northeastern Brazil.

Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences


Bruzaca, D. N. A., Justino, A. K. S., Mota, G. C. P., Costa, G. A., Lucena-Frédou, F., Gálvez, A. O.

Occurence of microplastics in bivalve molluscs Anamalocardia flexuosa captured in Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Eduardo, L. N., Bertrand, A., Lucena-Frédou, F., Villarins, B. T., Martins, J. R., Afonso, G., V. F., Pietsch, T. W., Frédou, T., Di Dario, F., Mincarone, M. M.

Rich and underreported: First integrated assessment of the diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic.

Frontiers in Marine Science

Ferreira, G. V. B., Justino, A. K. S., Eduardo, L. N., Lenoble, V., Fauvelle, V., Schmidt, N., Vaske-Jr., T., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Plastic in the inferno: Microplastic contamination in deep-sea cephalopods (Vampyroteuthis infernalis and Abralia veranyi) from the southwestern Atlantic.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Frédou, F. L., Lima, R. S., Frédou, T.

Description of Narrow-based Spanish mackerel (COM), Scomberomorus commerson.

ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

Frédou, T., Lima, R. S., Frédou, F. L.

Description of Cero (CER), Scomberomorus regalis.

ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

Frédou, T., Frédou, F. L., Lima, R. S., Mourato, B.

Description of Spanish mackerel (SSM), Scomberomorus maculatus.

ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

Frédou, T., Frédou, F. L., Lima, R. S., Mourato, B.

Description of king mackerel (KGM), Scomberomorus cavalla.

ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

Frédou, T., Frédou, F. L., Lima, R. S., Mourato, B.

Description of Serra Spanish mackerel (BRS), Scomberomorus brasiliensis.

ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna.

Gonzalez, J. G., Frédou, T., Duarte-Neto, P. J., Petit, C., Labonne, M., Lessa, R. P., Daurnade, A. M.

Age validation and growth in an exploited but poorly studied tropical fish species, the horse-eye jack (Caranx latus).

Fisheries Research

Justino, A. K. S., Ferreira, G. V. B., Schmidt, N., Eduardo, L. N., Fauvelle, V., Lenoble, V., Sempéré, R., Panagiotopoulos, C., Mincarone, M. M., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

The role of mesopelagic fishes as microplastics vectors across the deep-sea layers from the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic.

Environmental Pollution

Limeira, A. G. C., Frédou, T., Soares, A. P. C., Lira, A. S., Le Loc'h, F., Viana, G. F. S., Rosa-Filho, J. S., Munaron, J. M., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Trophic ecology and resource partitioning of Haemulidae species along the Northeastern Brazilian continental shelf.

Neotropical Ichthyology

Lira, A. S., Lucena-Frédou, F., Lacerda, C. H. F., Eduardo, L. N., Ferreira, V., Frédou, T., Ménard, F., Angelini, R., Le Loc'h, F.

Effect of fishing effort on the trophic functioning of tropical estuaries in Brazil.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Lira, A. S., Le Loc'h, F., Andrade, H. A., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Vulnerability of marine resources affected by a small-scale tropical shrimp fishery in Northeast Brazil.

ICES Journal  Marine Science

Pelage, L., Ferreira, V., Lucena-Frédou, F., Ferreira, G. V. B., Gonzalez, J. G., Viana, A. P., Lira, A. S., Munaron, J-M., Frédou, T., Ménard, F., Le Loc'h, F.

Estuarine food web structure and relative importance of organic matter sources for fish in a highly connected Northeastern Brazil ecotone.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Pelage, L.,  Lucena-Frédou, F., Eduardo, L. N., Le Loc'h, F., Bertrand, A., Lira, A. S., Frédou, T.

Competing with each other: Fish isotopic niche in two resource availability contexts.

Frontiers in Marine Science

Pelage, L., Andrade, H. A., Passarone, R., Frédou, T.

Selected by the tide: Studying the specificities of a traditional method in mangroves.

Ocean & Coastal Management

Villarins, B. T., Di Dario, F., Eduardo, L. N., Lucena-Frédou, F., Bertrand, A., Prokofiev, A. M., Mincarone, M

Deep-sea dragonfishes (Teleostei: Stomiiformes) collected from off northeastern Brazil, with a review of the species reported from the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone.

Neotropical Icththyology


Cardoso de Melo, C., Soares, A. P. C., Pelage, L., Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Ferreira, B. P., Bertrand, A., Lucena Frédou, F.

Haemulidae distribution patterns along the Northeastern Brazilian continental shelf  and size  at first maturity of the most abundant species.

Regional Studies in Marine Science

Eduardo, L. N., Bertrand, A., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Lima, R. S., Ferreira, B. P., Menard, F., Lucena Frédou, F.

Biodiversity, ecology, fisheries, and use and trade of Tetraodontiformes fishes reveal their socio-ecological significance along the tropical Brazilian continental shelf.

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem

Eduardo, L. N., Mincarone, M. M., Lucena Frédou, F.,  Villarins, B., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Martins, J. Bertrand, A.

Length-weight relationship of twelve mesopelagic fishes from the western Tropical Atlantic.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Eduardo, L. N., Bertrand, A., Mincarone, M. M., Silva, L. V. S., Frédou, T., Assunção, R., Lira, A. S., Ménard, F., Schwamborn, R., Le Loc´h, F., Lucena Frédou, F.

Hatchefishes (Stomiiformes: Sternoptychidae) biodiversity, trophic ecology, vertical niche partitioning and functional roles in the western Tropical Atlantic.

Progress in Oceanography.

Eduardo, L. N., Lucena-Frédou, F., Mincarone, M. M., Soares, A., Le Loc´h, F., Frédou, T., Ménard, F., Bertrand, A.

Trophic ecology, habitat, and migratory behaviour of the viperfish Chauliodus sloani reveal a key mesopelagic layer.

Scientific Reports

Jimenez, E. A., Amaral, M. T., Souza, P. L., Costa, M. N. F., Lira, A. S., Lucena Frédou, F.

Value chain dynamics and the socioeconomic drivers of small-scale fisheries on the amazon coast: A case study in the state of Amapá, Brazil.

Marine Policy

Soares, A. P. C., Lira, A. S., Eduardo, L. N., Gonzalez, J. G., Lucena Frédou, F., Le Loc´h, F., Ferreira, B., Frédou, T.

Feeding habits and population aspects of the spotted goatfish, Pseudupeneus maculatus (Perciformes: Mullidae), on the continental shelf of northeast Brazil.

Scientia Marina


Albuquerque, P. T. F., Frédou, T., Arruda, G. N., Silva Filho, C. A., Nascimento, A. F., Silva, M. J., França, E. J.

Tracking Hg historical inputs by Pb-210 geochronology for the Itapessoca Estuarine Complex, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemiistry

Craveiro, C., Peixoto, S., Silva, E. f., Eduardo, L. N., Lira, A. S., Castro-Neto, H. Lucena-Frédou, F., Soares, R.

Reproductive dynamics of the white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti (Burkenroad, 1936) in a beach seine fishery in northeastern Brazil.

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem

Eduardo, L. N., Villarins, B. T; Martins, J. R.; Lucena Frédou, F.; Frédou, T.; Lira, A. S.; Travassos, P. E.; Bertrand, A.; Mincarone, M. M.

Deep-sea oceanic basslets (Perciformes, Howellidae) from Brazil: new records and range extensions.

Check List

Ferreira, V., Le Loc’h, F., Ménard, F., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Composition of the fish fauna in a tropical estuary: the ecological guild approach.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Gonzalez, J. G., Ménard, F., Le Loc´h, F., Andrade, H. A., Viana, A. P., Ferreira, V., Lucena-Frédou, F., Lira, A. S., Munaron, J-M., Frédou, T.

Trophic resource partitioning of two snook fish species (Centropomidae) in tropical estuaries in Brazil as evidenced by stable isotope analysis.

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Jimenez, E. A., Barboza, R. S. L., Amaral, M. T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Understanding changes in fish stock abundance and associated conflicts: Perceptions of small-scale fisheries from the Amazon coast of Brazil.

Ocean & Coastal Management

Lira, A. S., Viana,  A. P., Eduardo, L. N., Lucena Frédou, F., Frédou, T.

Population structure, size at first sexual maturity, and feeding ecology of Conodon nobilis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Haemulidae) from the coasts of Pernambuco, North-Eastern Brazil.

Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria

Lopes, D. F. C., Assis, C. R. D., Sant`Anna, M. C. S., Silva, J. F., Bezerra, R. S., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Brain acetylcholinesterase of three Perciformes: From the characterization to the in vitro effect of metal ions and pesticides.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Mincarone, M. M., Villarins, B. T., Eduardo, L. N., Caires, R. A., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Bertrand, A.

Deep-sea manefishes (Perciformes: Caristiidae) from oceanic islands and seamounts off northeastern Brazil, with comments on the caristiids previously reported in Brazilian waters.

Journal of Marine Biology Research

Mourato, B. L., Pons, M., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T.

Application of the DLMTOOL kit for small tunas: A case study.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commision for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Passarone, R., Aparecido, K. C., Eduardo, L. N., Lira, A. S., Silva, L. V. S., Justino, A. K. S., Craveiro, C., Silva, E. F., Lucena Frédou, F.

Ecological and conservation aspects of bycatch fishes: An evaluation of shrimp fisheries impacts in Northeastern Brazil.

Brazilian Journal of Oceanography

Pelage, L., Domalain, G., Lira, A. S., Travassos, P., Frédou, T.

Coastal land use in Northeast Brazil: Mangrove coverage evolution over three decades.

Tropical Conservation Science

Pons, M., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Mourato, B. L.

Exploration of length-based and catch-based data-limited assessments for small tunas.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commision for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Pons, M., Kell, L., Rudd, M. B., Cope, J. M., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Performance of length-based data-limited methods in a multi-fleet context: application to small tunas, mackerels, and bonitos in the Atlantic Ocean.

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Journal of Marine Science

Silva-Junior, C. A. B., Lira, A. S., Eduardo, L. N., Viana, A. P., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T.

Ichthyofauna bycatch of the artisanal fishery of penaid shrimps in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil.

Boletim do Instituto de Pesca


Eduardo, L. N., Villarins, B., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Bertrand, A.,  Mincarone, M.

First record of the intermediate scabbardfish Aphanopus intermedius Parin, 1983 (Scombriformes: Trichiuridae) in the Western South Atlantic.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Eduardo, L. N., Mincarone, M. M., Villarins, B. T., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Bertrand, A., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Length-weight relationships of eleven mesopelagic fishes from oceanic islands of the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Silva, L. V. S., Ferreira, B. P., Bertrand, A., Ménard, F., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Length-weight relationship of thirteen demersal fishes from the tropical Brazilian continental shelf,

Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T., Lira, A. S., Ferreira, B. P., Bertrand, A., Ménard, F., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Identifying key habitat and spatial patterns of fish biodiversity in the tropical Brazilian continental shelf.

Continental Shelf Research

Eduardo, L. N., Lira, A. S., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F. L.

Population structure and reproductive biology of Haemulopsis corvinaeformis (Perciformes, Haemulidae) in the south coast of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil.

Iheringia Série Zoologia

Grande H., Rezende, S. M., Simon, T. E., Felix-Hackradt, F., García-Charton, J. A., Maida, M., Gaspar, A. L. B., Francini-Filho, R. B., Frédou, T., Ferreira, B. P.

Diversity of settlement-stage reef fishes captured by light-trap in a tropical south-west Atlantic Ocean coastal reef system.

Journal of Fish Biology

Lira, A. S., Angeline, R., Le Loc’h, F., Ménard, F., Lacerda, C., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Trophic flow structure of a neotropical estuary in northeastern Brazil and the comparison of ecosystem model indicators of estuaries.

Journal of Marine Systems

Peixoto, S., Calazans, N., Silva, E. F., Eduardo, L. N., Soares, R., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Reproductive cycle and size at first sexual maturity of the white shrimp Penaeus schmitii (Burkenroad, 1936) in northeastern Brazil.

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research

Silva, E. F., Calazans, N., Eduardo, L. N., Soares, R., Lucena-Frédou, F., Peixoto, S.

Population dynamics of the white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti (Burkenroad, 1936) on the southern coast of Pernambuco, north-eastern Brazil.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom


Baibbatt, S., Malouli, I., Abid, N., Kell, L., Lucena-Frédou, F., Benazzouz, B.

Reproduction of atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) in south of the Moroccan Atlantic waters.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Kell, L. T., Lucena-Frédou, F., Abid, N., Sid Ahmed B., Palms, C.

Analysis of length data for small tuna.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Kell, L. T., Abid, N., Baibat, S., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Size based indicators for data limited stocks

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Lira, A. S., Lucena-Frédou, F., Viana, A. P., Eduardo, L. N., Frédou, T.

Feeding ecology of Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792) and Centropomus parallelus (Poey, 1860) in two tropical estuaries in Northeastern Brazil.

Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Lopes, D., Lucena-Frédou, F., Silva, E., Calazans, N., Peixoto, S.

Reproductive cycle of seabob shrimp Litopenaeus kroyeri (Crustacea, Penaeidea) from the northeast coast of Brazil.

Invertebrate  Reproduction & Development

Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Ménard, F., Beare, D., Abid, N., Kell, L.

Preliminary ecological risk assessment of small tunas of the Atlantic Ocean.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Lucena-Frédou, F., Kell, L., Frédou, T., Gaertner, D., Potier, M., Bach, P., Travassos, P., Hazin, F., Ménard, F.

Vulnerability of teleosts caught by the pelagic tuna longline fleets in South Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans.

Deep-Sea Research Part II-Tropical Studies in Oceanography

Merigot, B., Lucena-Frédou, f., Viana, A. P., Ferreira, B. P., Junior, E. N. C., Júnior, C. A. B. S., Frédou, T.

Fish assemblages in tropical estuaries of northeast Brazil: A multi-component diversity approach.

Deep-Sea Research Part II-Tropical Studies in Oceanography

Vargas, G., Lucena-Frédou, F., Habasque, J., Lebourges-Dhaussy, A., Roudaut, G., Bertrand, A.

A new multifrequency acoustic method for the discrimination of biotic components in pelagic ecosystem: Application in a high diversity tropical ecosystem off Northeast Brazil.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America


Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T., Gartner, D., Kell, L., Potier, M., Bach, P.

Life history traits and fishery patterns of teleosts caught by the tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Fisheries Research

Merigot, B., Lucena-Frédou, F., Viana, A. P., Ferreira, B.P., Costa Junior, E. do N., Silva-Júnior, C. A. B. da, Frédou, T.

Fish assemblages in tropical estuaries of Northeast Brazil: a multi-component diversity approach.

Ocean Coastal Management

Silva, E. F., Calazans, N., Eduardo, L. N., Chaves, T., Soares, R. B., Guerra, M., Lucena-Frédou, F. L., Peixoto, S.

Reproductive dynamics of the southern pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis in northeastern Brazil.

Aquatic Biology

Silva-Júnior, C. A. B., Mérigot, B., Lucena-Frédou, F., Ferreira, B.P., Coxey, M. S., Rezende, S. M., Frédou, T.

Functional diversity of fish in tropical estuaries: A traits-based approach of communities in Pernambuco, Brazil.

Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science

Viana, A.P., Lucena-Frédou, F., Ménard, F., Frédou, T., Ferreira, V., Lira, A. S., Le Loc’h, F.

Length–weight relations of 70 fish species from tropical coastal region of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil.

Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria


Chao, N. L., Lucena-Frédou, F., Haimovici, M., Peres, M. B., Polidoro, B., Raseira, M., Subirá, R., Carpenter, K.

A popular and potentially sustainable fishery resource under pressure-extinction risk and conservation of Brazilian Sciaenidae (Teleostei:Perciformes).

Global Ecology and Conservation

Cortés, E., Domingo, A., Miller, P., Forselledo, R., Mas, F., Arocha, F., Campana, S., Coelho, R., Da Silva, C., Hazin, F. H. V., Holtzhausen, H., Keene, K., Lucena-Frédou, F., Ramirez, K., Santos, M. N., Semba-Murakami, Y., Yokama, K.

Expanded ecological risk assessment of pelagic sharks caught in Atlantic pelagic longline fisheries.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Di Dario, F., Alves, C. B., Boss, H., Lucena-Frédou, F., Lessa, R. P., Mincarone, M. M., Pinheiro, M. A., Polaz, C. N., Reis, R. E., Rocha, L. A., Santana, F. M., Santos, R. A., Santos, S. B., Vianna, M., Vieira, F

A better way forward for Brazil’s fisheries. 


Lucena-Frédou, F., Tolotti, M. T., Frédou, T., Carvalho, F., Hazin, F., Burgess, G., Coelho, R., Waters, J. D., Travassos, P., Hazin, F. H. V.

Sharks caught by the Brazilian tuna longline fleet: an overview.

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Mourão, K. R. M., Frédou, T., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Spatial and seasonal variation of the icthyofauna and habitat use in the inner portion of the Brazilian amazon estuary.

Boletim do Instituto de Pesca

Pinheiro, M. A. A., Alves, C. B. M., Boos, H., Di Dario, F., Figueiredo, C. A., Lucena-Frédou, F., Lessa, R. P. T., Mincarone, M. M., Polaz, C. N. M., Reis, R. E., Rocha, L. A., Santos, R. A., Santos, S. B., Vianna, M., Vieira, F

Conservar a fauna aquática para garantir a produção pesqueira.

Ciência e Cultura

Silva, E. F., Calazanz, N., Nolé, L., Viana, A., Soares, R., Peixoto, S., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Population dynamics of the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis (Pérez-Farfante, 1967) in northeastern Brazil.

Journal of Crustacean Biology

Silva-Júnior, C., Viana, A. P., Lucena-Frédou, F., Frédou, T.

Aspects of the reproductive biology and characterization of Sciaenidae captured as bycatch in the prawn trawling in the northeastern Brazil.

Acta Scientiarum


Hazin, H. G., Hazin, F. V., Mourato, B., Carvalho, F. Frédou, T.

Standardized catch rates of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) caught by the brazilian fleet (1978-2012) using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) using delta log approach.

Collective volume of scientific papers – International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tunas

Lopes, D. F. C., Peixoto, S., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Population biology of  Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) captured on the south coast of Pernambuco state, northeastern Brazil.

Environmental Pollution

Mourão, K. R. M., Ferreira, V., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Composition of functional ecological guilds of the fish fauna of the internal sector of the Amazon Estuary, Pará, Brazil.

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Mourão, K. R. M., Filho, P. W. M. S., Alves, P. J. O., Lucena-Frédou, F.

Priority areas for the conservation of the fish fauna of the Amazon Estuary in Brazil: a multicriteria approach.

Ocean & Coastal Management

Pelage, L., Andrade, H. A., Passarone, R., Frédou, T.

Ichthyofauna as bioindicator of environmental quality in an industrial district in the amazon estuary, Brazil.

Brazilian Journal of Biology

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